The Founders Mindset

Founders are different. They are the ones that start businesses and enterprises. To them, risk is part of the deal. Risk is relative in their minds. It doesn’t guide them. It doesn’t drive them. It just figures into their calculus. Webster defines risk as: “the...

Negotiations and Love Songs

In 1983, The great American poet and musician, Paul Simon, was going through a nasty divorce with his then-wife, Carrie Fisher. He wrote and produced the album “Hearts & Bones.” While it was an ode to his personal trauma, he coined a phrase that stayed with me all...

The Intrepid Traveler

On May 7, I Ubered to PDX to board a Delta flight bound for Atlanta. The Uber driver was masked, and would not touch my bag. With no traffic, a normal 40-minute trip took 20. Upon arrival, I saw nothing. No cars, no shuttles, no people. The Delta Counter was empty; no...